Restore Nature Now: Faith-related Events

The Restore Nature Now march is happening on Saturday, 22 June 2024, from 12pm. Join us to demand that UK politicians show strong domestic and global nature and climate leadership by:

1. Giving a pay-rise for nature

2. Making polluters pay

3. Delivering more space for nature

4. Putting a right to a healthy environment in law

5. Ensuring fair and effective climate action

Faith for the Climate is supporting two blocs – the climate justice bloc (alongside Campaign Against Climate Change, the Climate Justice Coalition, Extinction
Rebellion, Havant Friends of the Earth, Havant
Climate Alliance, Portsmouth Climate Choir, North East Climate Justice Coalition, Quakers in Britain, #StopRosebank, and Tipping Point), and the faith and belief bloc.

Both blocs will be gathering beforehand adjacent to each other, so we can all march together! The climate justice bloc meets at K32 (corner of Wood’s Mews and Park Lane) and the faith bloc will be meeting on Park Lane from the Animals in War Memorial back towards Marble Arch. Both blocs are part of the ‘Air’ bloc.

There are also a number of faith-related events happening on the day that you are most welcome to join:

Creation Cries Out: Service and March for Nature

Join Christian Climate Action and A Rocha to pray, worship and lament in the context of biodiversity decline and climate breakdown. They’ll be meeting at 11am in Central London at Farm Street Church (Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception, Mayfair, 114 Mount St, London W1K 3AH) to gather for reflection, liturgy and prayer before joining the main march from 12pm. The service is ecumenical Christian, and people of all faiths and beliefs are welcome to join.

The vision is for a creative, family-friendly and legal mass gathering that demonstrates a united call to protect and restore our natural world. It is an opportunity for some creative campaigning with speeches from activists and conservationists, as well as entertainers and performance artists, all highlighting the beauty of UK wildlife and the need to protect it.

Reserve your spot here

Nature in Mind: Meditation and silent contemplation

A Big Sit in the Grand Arcade, courtesy of

XR Buddhists and The Big Sit are organising a sit in honour of nature, together with meditators, faith groups and everyone who will be there in person and in spirit. Meet at 11:30 am at the ‘Still Water’ Statue, Hyde Park Corner.

Before joining the march, they invite people of all faiths and beliefs to join them to sit in silent meditation, prayer or contemplation in the context of biodiversity decline and climate breakdown. As well as personal practice, they hope to offer opportunities to connect with others to share thoughts, feelings and community.

Read more and register here

Together lets demand climate justice for people and planet!