Resources to hold your newly elected MPs and the new government to account

As the UK welcomes in a new government it’s crucial that all who are concerned about the climate emergency engage with our MPs. At Faith for the Climate, our network is focusing on three main asks of all MP’s:

  • A fast and fair phase-out of fossil fuels
    • We should be urgently financing a just transition to a sustainable economy and a safe, healthy planet for all
  • Making big polluters pay for climate-related loss and damage
    • More funding for those affected by the devastating impacts of climate change around the world
  • The Climate and Nature (CAN) Bill to be passed into law
    • Our laws should treat climate and nature in a joined up way

You can download and share these related resources, which explain (a) why we’ve developed these 3 asks, and (b) how to use them to prompt specific questions to your MP and, more importantly, how to assess their responses:

Faith groups can and do make a difference because of our spiritual and moral vision, as well as our potential to mobilise our people and institutions. People of faith played a huge role that led to the historic Loss and Damage fund agreed at COP27, the UN climate talks in 2022. Yes, despite this achievement, the governments and businesses that have done the most to cause climate change continue dragging their feet even as we know there is much more to be done. But this is where elected representatives – including our MPs, devolved governments, mayors and local councillors – could make a real difference, given the right encouragement.

Christian Aid has published a selection of crib sheets on Peace, Debt and Climate Justice. These crib sheets discuss key things to know about each topic.

Global Justice Now are asking you to contact all the candidates in your constituency around three issues where they want to change the rhetoric and raise the vision, including climate.

Citizens UK have a Citizens Agenda – an overview of the issues their membership has agreed are the most important to organise around.

Green Christian and Operation Noah have a General Election pack for churches calling for truth, love and justice for creation and all people.

The Climate Justice Coalition have a one-stop hub for actions, campaigns and resources from across the climate movement.

Council Climate Action Scorecards are a free online tool developed by Climate Emergency UK and my Society to assess all UK councils on the actions they’ve taken towards net zero.

The Everyone’s Environment network at New Philantrophy Capital (NPC) teamed up with 32 charities – including Faith for the Climate – to produce a joint statement urging all the political parties to make environmental policy fairer.

Green New Deal Rising is a movement of young people (up to 35 years old) building local teams across the country to grow the movement and spread the word about the Green New Deal

Green New Deal released a Gamechangers Report that includes chapters on End the Extraction of Wealth from the Global South and Bring Critical Infrastructure into Democratic Ownership.

Hope for the Future works to find ways of communicating the climate crisis more effectively to politicians, for example, supporting constituents to meet their MP and discuss climate change by finding common ground.

The Local Intelligence Hub is a free online tool developed by The Climate Coalition and mySociety to help you do your own research about local MPs, constituencies, public opinion, and the climate and nature movement.

The Nation Needs You! is an online resource and campaign by Zero Hour to tell our elected representatives to back the Climate and Nature Bill

United for People, Climate and Nature is an online hub with resources, training and support in engaging with elected representatives.

The Campaign for National Parks is asking politicians to restore nature and protect our national parks on the 75th anniversary of their founding.