Faith support for the Global Climate Strike, 20th September 2019

On Friday 20th September millions of people across the world walked out of school, work and homes to join young climate strikers on the streets and in city centres to demand action on climate change. Hundreds of local events were planned around the UK. Faith leaders and people of faith came out on strike, to support the school strikers, including our young people of faith, and to pray for urgent climate action.
Archbishop Justin Welby tweeted “It’s inspiring to see young people so passionate about protecting God’s creation and calling our attention to the #ClimateEmergency. Thank you for showing us where our priorities should be. Praying for your voices to be heard here and around the world.” Qari Asim MBE, Chair of the Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board (MINAB) called on mosques throughout the country to support young people and for Imams to highlight their support during Friday prayers that day.
Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg said ahead of the Global Strike “I am supporting the climate strikes for love of life, because the presence of God is in all life, because I love my own children and want a good future for all the world’s children, because it is a sacred duty and because we all have an unconditional responsibility to hold ourselves, our communities and the world’s leaders to account to do their utmost to mitigate and halt climate change.”
The Faith For The Climate network was delighted to support the UK Student Climate Network in organising a quiet reflective space in London at the end of the day of action, an interfaith vigil that was open to all. Reflections were offered at the start by people from Quaker, Muslim and Jewish faith traditions, followed by space for everyone present to offer their own contributions, whether from a faith tradition or simply a poem, object or image that held meaning in the face of the climate crisis. This event supported by Islamic Relief, XR Jews, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Quakers in Britain, EcoSynagogue, Operation Noah, Tearfund, Ecosynagogue, Green Christian, Christian Climate Action, and others, all supporting and praying with our young people, in their call for urgent action on the climate.