#ShowTheLove this February

It’s that time of the year again – to Show the Love. Grace Fisher, Community Organiser for The Climate Coalition, shares what’s in store and how faith groups can get involved – read on and spread the word!
Every February, since 2015, people from across the UK have used the power of green hearts to show decision makers that we want to see real and rapid action to tackle the climate and nature crisis – for the love of our families, our homes, our livelihoods and our planet. We’re so excited that Faith for the Climate are supporting #ShowTheLove again this year.
Last year was a huge year for climate action with the UN Climate Summit (COP26) being hosted in Glasgow and we saw the public appetite for climate action reach an all time high! But, the UK government came out of 2021 with a big to-do list so we’re coming together again to make sure they deliver.
Throughout February community groups, faith groups, schools, celebrities and people from all walks of life will be making and sharing green hearts at events in their local community. So join us, to send a clear message to people in power that we all care about climate, nature and people.
There are so many ways you can create green hearts with plenty of ideas in our Show the Love action pack. You could craft a green heart, bake a green heart cake or create a green heart out of members of your faith group. And, if you’re looking for ways to share your green heart with your local politicians, we’ve also got some great advice from Hope for the Future!
We know many people are unsure about how worthwhile contacting their MP will be, and many feel daunted by the prospect of doing so. But, sharing a green heart with your MP is an opportunity to open up a conversation about climate change with them and talk about what actions your faith group would like to see at a local and even national level.
Faith groups play a crucial role in spreading the word about how we can help combat the climate crisis to whole communities, so together The Climate Coalition and Faith For The Climate have put together specific faith resources to help you Show The Love in your community.
So make sure you join us and #ShowTheLove this February to show people in power that tackling the climate crisis is still the fight that unites.
Grace Fisher, Community Organiser for The Climate Coalition