Take urgent climate action and #ShowTheLove this February!

To kick off 2021, Faith for the Climate is pleased to feature this guest contribution by Jasmine Vorraso, Campaigns and Communications Assistant at the Climate Coalition. Once again, as members of the Coalition, we are proud to support their #ShowTheLove celebration this coming February. Despite the deep challenges still posed by the pandemic, we hope you are inspired to support the actions and ideas listed below – and please spread the word!
Jasmine writes:
Show the Love is an annual celebration of everything we care about and want to protect from the worst impacts of the climate crisis. Every February, since 2015, people from across the UK use the power of green hearts to join together to show they care about climate change and ask politicians to put aside their differences and tackle the climate crisis.
Throughout February, crafted hearts flood social media as faith groups, community groups, schools, celebrities and people from all walks of life make and share green hearts, and put on events in their local community to show they care about climate change, and politicians from all parties get involved and connect with constituents.
The past year has been a year like no other. The British public cares deeply for the people, places and life that could be lost to climate change, and the devastating impacts of the pandemic have impacted us all, and made us value what we love more than ever.
This year, we want the love to be felt by those who can make a difference and raise ambition and take action on climate change. Join us between 1st – 21st February and use your voice to ask politicians to commit to building a cleaner, greener world that works for everyone.
Although things may look different this year, there are still plenty of ways you can get involved, from crafting greens hearts to send to your MP and create uplifting window displays, to starting conversations about climate change with friends and sharing what you’re doing to help tackle climate change with others in your local community. Download our Green Heart Action Pack for more inspiration!
Faith groups play a crucial role in spreading the word about how we can help combat the climate crisis to whole communities, so together The Climate Coalition and Faith For The Climate have put together specific faith resources to help you Show The Love in your community.
To create a future where the things we love are protected from climate change, we need to see action today. The solutions to the climate crisis are at our fingertips, we just need to get on with it.
Let’s #ShowTheLove by creating a voice for change that is impossible to ignore.