Gallery: Faiths for climate justice in election season

Gallery: Faiths for climate justice in election season

As we approach polling day in the UK general election on 4 July, we wanted to share these inspiring images of how the Faith for the Climate network has come together during the campaigning period in June.

We’re sharing highlights from our interfaith picnic on Sunday, 9 June, that kicked off the Great Big Green Week, our participation at the Global Day of Action on Climate Finance on Tuesday, 11 June, and our presence with the faith, belief, and climate justice blocs at the Restore Nature Now march on Saturday, 22 June.

These gatherings and mobilisations have complemented our three main climate justice demands for this general election. They are a testament to the bonds of faith and justice that we share across our diverse network, for the love of people and planet.

Enjoy these pictures*, and be sure to watch the video treat at the end – it’s a wrap-up of the Great Big Green Week which features our interfaith picnic quite prominently!

*All pics by Faith for the Climate, unless otherwise indicated

25 June 2024